Before embarking on treatment it is important to gather as much TMS information as you can. TMS is relatively new in Australia but has been used to treat depression successfully in the USA and other countries for the past 20 years. Sydney TMS is one of the few places in Australia where you can receive treatment in a complete outpatient setting. The benefit being that you can return home again or go to work after each treatment session.
During our treatment, the TMS machine does all the work. The patient sits back in a large reclining chair while magnetic fields pulse through a coil to stimulate the underlying brain. The great thing about TMS is that it produces the effects of antidepressant medications with relatively minor side effects.
Our patients are individually cared for by our nursing staff during each and every session. Some patients choose to listen to music, while others watch their favourite shows on Netflix. Others prefer to talk with our staff but you design the way you want the treatment to go while we operate the machine. The typical treatment session lasts for approximately for forty minutes. We recommend approximately 30 sessions for TMS course. Maintenance sessions are recommended after the course is successfully completed.
Patients are not restricted by lengthy hospital stays. They attend each individual session visit just as they would visit a doctor.
No anaesthetic is necessary during TMS and after each session the patient can carry on with their regular day. They can drive to and from each session and they can even go to work.
TMS is well tolerated and has relatively few side effects.
We have a number of tools that will help you with understand more about Sydney TMS. Our research articles provide scientific evidence based articles supporting the effectiveness of TMS. Our TMS information pages address specific questions you may have about the treatment.
Most of all we strongly recommend that you to talk to your GP, Psychiatrist or treating mental health professional. Please take along our GP Referral form to your next mental health checklist.
We are also here to help with any questions you might have about the treatment. So please call Sydney TMS 1300 177 144 or send us an email with your questions and we will get back to you when we are free.
Beyond Blue – has an online forum that can be insightful and provide a range of personal experiences.
Blackdog Institute – TMS projects.
Mayo Clinic How TMS works